Friday 15 February 2013

Teaching at School

Today was a very, very hot day - 32 degrees by 1015 am. We made our now familiar journey to Waterloo. Mrs Robinson will be pleased to know that the dust road has started to be resurfaced. It makes some of the journey a little less bone shaking!

Miss Smith went to Hope Prep and taught about recycling and Mr Power taught about Human Rights at Nelson Mandela High School.

What is clear to both of us is how much fondness we are held in, personally and also our schools. You would be surprised at how many of the girls names from MTGS, the teachers have asked me about. They speak so positively about their visit to our schools last May.

At lunch time we visited Mr Unisa Fullah's family. His mother, who cannot speak English travelled over 100 miles to see us and made us feel very privileged. They gave us beautiful gifts! After this it was back Waterloo to see the preparations for the first Nelson Mandela High School Sports Day. They are expecting 2000 visitors and Miss Smith and I are 'esteemed' guests. It will last five hours so plenty of water will be needed!

We finished the day to see Hope Prep in the regional final of the schools quiz competition. Hope Prep won hands down with Barnaby Bear as their mascot; they want to keep him!

We hope everyone is well back home and thanks for checking the blog (check out the tshirts!)

Mr Power and Miss Smith

1 comment:

  1. It is a privilege to have so many wonderful friends in SL; you speak about the fondness that they have for us; the feelings are entirely mutual and I count myself so lucky to have been to SL. Having spent time in this beautiful country, I really appreciate the enormity of a hundred mile journey; the roads and infrastructure being nothing like that in the UK. What an honour to meet Unisa's mum.

    Please pass on my congratulations to Hope on their success in the regional final of the national quiz competition and send my best to everyone there!

    Take care and thinking about you!

    Miss Yardley


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