Saturday 16 February 2013

Sports Day

Today was another amazing day. We had the very first Nelson Mandela High School Sports Day! This was after going into Freetown to meet with teachers funded by the British Council and who have set up links with other schools in the area.

The Sports Day was held at the Police Sports Ground. When we arrived the field has been decorated with Merchant's Balloons, badges, banners and messages of good luck that our girls had prepared. It was quite surreal - home from home! Just very hot!

Miss Smith and I were principal guests and afforded a place on the top table! Again our welcome was humbling! As the 2000+ crowd assembled I was asked to address the crowd! I protested but Mr Sandi insisted! Miss Smith thought that she had got away with it.... 5 minutes later and the microphone was passed to her!

The delirious excitement from the pupils and the sincere pride in which the staff spoke about out partnership was again humbling!

The Olympic flame was lit and the 3 sports houses processed around the sports ground! The Olympic flame was a coke bottle filled with petrol and carried around the track by the pupils!!!

Miss Smith had the honour of presenting the medals and shields which our school provided for the day. The pupils were delighted!

A late return to the hotel and two very hungry and slightly burn teachers returned to the hotel for food! Lets just hope there is no power cut tonight!

Mr Power and Miss Smith


  1. What an extraordinary day it must have been, one to remember for many years I'm sure. I hope you didn't have to take part in any visitors' races! I love the banner and know it will be greatly treasured by the school. Hope the rest of the week goes well. Best wishes to you both.

    Mrs MacKenzie

  2. What a wonderful experience - a day never to be forgotten by everyone there! I am sure that you both made excellent VIPs, especially as London hosted the 2012 Olympic Games!

    Great photos too, on a super blog; it brings back so many happy memories of a special place!

    Take care and please pass on my best to my friends in SL!!

    Miss Yardey

  3. Hi to both, really enjoying the blog. "coke bottle filled with petrol and carried around the track by the pupils" Health and Safety has yet to go mad in SL


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